
Sometimes if you tell a friend or relative that you have anxiety – they can misunderstand you. They think that you said that you were anxious.

And while anxiety is a feeling of unease, a worry or fear, that can vary from severe to life-limiting. When a client tells me that they are suffering from Anxiety I understand what they mean, and that they can often be experiencing far more than they initially feel comfortable talking about.

Anxiety is much more than feeling nervous about a forthcoming event. Anxiety is something that can and frequently does make your whole life feel out of control.

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, a worry or fear, that can vary from mild to severe and life-limiting

In helping many, many clients over the years I have identified a multitude of interconnected symptoms that someone who is anxious can present with.

A client rarely presents saying:

“I’m so anxious”
“I’m frightened all the time and - I don’t even know what I’m so scared of”

They really don’t.

Instead, they say things like:

  • I’m so irritable I’m snapping everyone’s heads off (or I want to but I’m biting my tongue instead)
  • I’m having these dreadful headaches
  • My sweating is out of control–I never used to really sweat and now I feel like I’m melting
  • I keep thinking that I’m going to have a heart attack or
  • My chest feels funny–I can hear my heartbeat in my ears and it sounds wrong
  • I am SO tired all the time. I just want to nap constantly
  • I’m having difficulty breathing–I can’t seem to get control of even my own breath
  • I keep shaking after doing even simple things
  • My tummy is upset and now I’m scared of leaving the house or being too far from a bathroom but it has been going on for weeks
  • I go to bed exhausted and then wake in a panic
  • My head/neck/shoulders hurt
  • I’m having these obsessive, circular thoughts about . . .
  • I can’t seem to focus properly on anything
  • My mind feels foggy or fuzzy
  • I think I had a panic attack – I was so scared
  • I have this pain in my stomach
  • I’m really frightened that I’m going to completely lose it with my parents/siblings/partner/children/pets
  • The more I try and get a grip and control my anxiety the worse it gets

Once I’ve established that are no physical reasons for these symptoms then we can proceed with deciding the very best way to help them.

Often the client has been clearly told by their doctor that all their tests are coming back looking normal–which doesn’t help their state of mind very much!

All of these apparently unconnected symptoms have two things in common.

  1. They can cause you to have a poor self-image and they can and do lead to stress, depression and anxiety which if it’s not helped will get worse.
  2. My Psychotherapist’s toolbox can give you very rapid improvements and help.

Why not contact me for a no-obligation consult call to see how I could help you

Belynder’s Solutions


Fear is not easy to handle. For some, if this fear lasts, it can lead to anxiety. Both fear and anxiety can take over your life, affecting your ability to enjoy each day as it comes.
We all know this can have an impact on sleeping patterns, eating habits as well as your general well-being.

You see, the thing that most clients struggle to understand before they consult with me is the fact that these emotions, behaviours and patterns of thoughts can be controlled with the correct technique for YOU.

Everyone is different and I prefer a powerful, effective and personalised solution. 

  • The one that gives you your spark back
  • The one that restores your sense of well-being
  • And the one that is magically, perfectly tailored just for you.

The video further up the page contains a few simple and free tips to help you to cope in the meantime.

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Take the Anxiety & Depression Quiz to quickly see what your symptoms suggest and give you direction to the best place to start your healing journey.



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Any case histories that I share here are completely anonymised.

Names and some case details are altered, disguised or changed to protect my clients’ absolute right to privacy.

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